Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Magna-Killa Rides Again

Holy Shit!  Now we can form a three-man hand job train instead of our previous paltry two-man rig!

Ladies and Gentleman (and by that I obviously mean just you, David), I present to you our very first Wanderlust Wagontrain debutant:  The Specialist


Fizz, you may need 2 couches on June 11th instead of the usual 1.

Consider yourself still a prospect, champ...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Captain Flagg Visit

The arrival... sort of.
Hipster Killer
Hanging with Oscar

Stripped down and face blurred

City boy hittin' the dirt trail...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Athens Bike #4

I feel a little unpatriotic saying this but....


Spring Shinin'

Took a wednesday to get stuff done.



Lost some facial length too, if you can tell

The future looks bright. Tried to measure the cables, but I think i need to take the tank off to do it right...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hot Pipes

Don't Touch em

When I rode to work, it was sunny...

When I left work, it was shitty, cold, wet, and shitty...

Also delightful is the fact that the parking deck is being pressure washed so all the douche bags are parked on my floor. I found a good spot anyway...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh Shit!

The new rig:

I'm so damn psyched on my new Biltwell chumps.  Since they're harley bars, I had to do a little dremeling and drilling.  I also had a little issue with my stock bars:

The bastard bar end wouldn't unscrew and I had to slide the clutch lever assembly off so I had to hacksaw the end of the damn bar off...with the bars resting on my tank. Awesome.

My poor Sunfire has been relegated to 'rolling toolbox' duty

They're all yours if you want 'em, Fizz.