Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh Shit!

The new rig:

I'm so damn psyched on my new Biltwell chumps.  Since they're harley bars, I had to do a little dremeling and drilling.  I also had a little issue with my stock bars:

The bastard bar end wouldn't unscrew and I had to slide the clutch lever assembly off so I had to hacksaw the end of the damn bar off...with the bars resting on my tank. Awesome.

My poor Sunfire has been relegated to 'rolling toolbox' duty

They're all yours if you want 'em, Fizz.


  1. I think i might just get the same type mirror as you did. Got a link to it? Also... RIGHTEOUS

  2. Here's the link:

    I got the 4 inch one but you might want the 8 inch.

    Be warned, I had to dremel out the holes in the bracket because it didn't fit around 1" bars. Mine may have been defective but they may all be like that. I got it to fit, though.
