Saturday, June 18, 2011

Magic Tricks

So I figured out a way to roll off a stop that makes you feel like a magician. Here's how you do it:

1. Put your bike in neutral and sit with your shifting leg on the ground supporting you and your brake foot resting on your right foot peg.

2. When the light changes, bring your left foot up and shift into first without putting your right foot down

3. After shifting, leave your left foot on the peg

4. Take off fast enough that your don't fall over

If you do it right, you'll feel like you can levitate. Badass.

I also found a sweet iphone app that let's me take sweet pics:

Look, I turned my 2002 V Star into a 1970s 2002 V Star!

Badass NY, NY trip blog posts, here we come

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