Friday, July 22, 2011

NYC to Athens: The Last Days

Sorry for the huge delay. My computer has been broken, which makes a good excuse for not doing anything for the last couple of weeks.

Perfectly bronzed forearms, if i don't say so myself..

Chasing trucks

Suddenly New York morphed back into the seventies.
Good thing we had a retro camera with which to document.
Entering the exist...
Burrowing out of the city

Where are we going?
Sprawling metropolis shot number 1
number 2
It's just a warehouse. No biggie

Oh hey traffic...

Last stretch.
Pole dancing until he can make enough money to do it again.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Athens to NYC Day 3: Bridges, Tolls and Victory

Today was good riding but pretty expensive (over 20 bucks in tolls).


Gas station in which I almost put Diesel in my bike. Today
could have been a lot shorter


Getting off a bridge

Mid bridge.

Thinkin' 'bout bridges.

It's a tunnel!!! No, wait... it's a bridge.

Super-planned-out-awesome-shot also know as getting lucky
with pointing and clicking

Well hello there city

No gang violence in this neighborhood.

Hiptstamatic saves the day again.

Miles traveled so far...

Good day

They're still here!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Athens to NYC Day 2: The Ever-Present Threat of Gang Violence

We left a town so safe people leave their doors unlocked and the keys in their cars. We arrived at a very nice house full of very nice people that happens to be in an area where sometimes, occasionally, people are shot in the head executioner style. That's ok, though, cause we're in the house. However, our bikes are sleeping in 'head-shot alley' tonight. We may be walking to NYC. Who cares, DC is cool.

A preacher in the church of cash


Total miles ridden so far:

Thanks to Fran and Carrie for putting up with us. I mean putting us up. Same thing, I guess.