Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Athens to NYC Day 3: Bridges, Tolls and Victory

Today was good riding but pretty expensive (over 20 bucks in tolls).


Gas station in which I almost put Diesel in my bike. Today
could have been a lot shorter


Getting off a bridge

Mid bridge.

Thinkin' 'bout bridges.

It's a tunnel!!! No, wait... it's a bridge.

Super-planned-out-awesome-shot also know as getting lucky
with pointing and clicking

Well hello there city

No gang violence in this neighborhood.

Hiptstamatic saves the day again.

Miles traveled so far...

Good day

1 comment:

  1. Glad y'all came to visit! Have a safe trip back, and don't trust anyone from Israel; I hear they're dangerous. I haven't been to Israel, but I think maybe y'all have?
